
High Anxiety
Election 2020, Opinion

High Anxiety

Voters Around the Nation Express Unease as the Clock Winds Down As voter turnout records were being broken in state after state, Howard University journalism students took the pulse of voters around the country. We asked people how they are feeling on this Election Day 2020, one unlike any other in the history of America….

Voices of the Pandemic
Covid-19, Opinion

Voices of the Pandemic

Howard U. Journalism Students Reflect on Their New Normal _______________________________________________ Staying Home Is Even More Difficult When Home Is a Motel For Now By Ianna Fenton KISSIMMEE, Fla.–As COVID-19 continues to overtake our nation, families including my own are learning to adapt. However, my family is in a slightly different situation that makes the transition…

Howard U. Hospital: My Trip to the ER
News, Opinion

Howard U. Hospital: My Trip to the ER

By Shirley Carswell The Sunday Washington Post article on Howard University Hospital, which described a once-grand institution fallen on hard times, struck close to home for me. That’s because I had an unexpected visit to Howard’s emergency room two days earlier. My medical emergency wasn’t life threatening, but the pain I was experiencing after busting…

The Complicated Love Affair With The Oscars
A&E, Big Brotha, Opinion

The Complicated Love Affair With The Oscars

 won’t be watching the Oscars on Sunday. For the second year in a row, every acting nominee is white. It is the first time that there have been two straight years of all-white nominees since 1995 to 1996, just three years after I was born. Jesse Jackson called for a boycott of the 1996 ceremony….